
Susan Elliot Wright Novels

Want to write a novel? If I can do it, so can you!

Writing fiction is about learning the craft and persistence in practicing that craft. it’s not a question of ‘you can write or you can’t’, it’s about learning to write better. You wouldn’t expect to pick up a violin for the first time and be able to play it, would you? You’d make some strange sounds at first, but gradually, you’d learn how to make more pleasng sounds, and eventually, with practice and determination, even beautiful sounds. You can do the same with writing.

I’m not currently running weekly workshops, but may soon be offering more one day or half-day workshops and/or Masterclasses along with fellow Sheffield author Russ Thomas in association with The Writers Workshop

Keep checking this page for more details of what we’re offering in autumn 2024 – Spring 2025


Here’s what they say about us:

Review of workshops by Bernadette Keeling

“Outstanding – really engaging, professional tutors. Many thanks. Wonderful day – loved it. Came away with so many ideas and renewed energy. Angela Robson
“The workshop really crystallised what my next project is – thank you!” Trina Garnett

“I love these workshops and they bring me back to my writing and inspire me all over again.”
“It was excellent – I loved doing the exercises and listening to others’ writing.” Dr Martyn Smith

I loved it. Having the opportunity to be listened to as well as listening to other people was great.” Darren Westwood.

“I thought the input was very practical and useful.’ Joyce Lillie-Robinson

‘Fantastic. Both tutors had time to give everyone positive feedback and constructive criticism. Variety of activities. Thank you, feel very positive and inspired after today’s session.’ Emily Quinn

‘It was good. I’m a slow writer but found I always had enough time to get ideas down.’ Kate Hewett

More testimonials

Really enjoyed this workshop, especially the different exercises that challenged us to write scenes I wouldn’t have usually thought of to create drama. Susan and Russ are lovely and create a relaxed, supportive, sharing environment. Sophie (September 2023)

Very useful and enjoyable. Supportive and warm atmosphere created. Chance to share and get feedback but no pressure. Feedback generous but not glossing over what can be improved. Loads of useful info, handouts and book recommendations. Excellent stuff. Thank you. Tess (sept 23)

Thanks Susan and Russ for another helpful and illuminating workshop. I have learned so much about writing in general and have almost finished my first novel as a result. Onwards and upwards! Cathy

I have loved the novel masterclasses. It’s really helped me focus my efforts and realise most of the time, what I had previously written was rubbish! ‘Rewrite, again and again!Who Holly Smith- Wilson Sept 2023 Note from Susan and Russ – it wasn’t rubbish, Holly!!

Susan has a great gift of encouragement; you learn very early on in her class that your contributions will be respected and valued, whether comments on the practice of writing or pieces of writing produced in class or at home. The teaching is wide ranging and well delivered. The criticism is real, incisive, professional and supportive. Your writing improves as a result both of Susan’s expertise and also of the environment of mutual supportive criticism she creates within the class. Philip West

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed each session and can’t recommend the course highly enough!
Susan is an enthusiastic and skilled teacher whose comments, guidance and feedback really brought out the best in our group.  The group itself was friendly, relaxed and supportive and as the course progressed we developed into more confident and proficient writers. Everyone enjoyed learning and working together and we were all proud of the end results. If you’re an aspiring novelist or you just enjoy writing and would like to see where it takes you, then this is the class for you. Caroline Wheeldon-Wright

For anyone who has been pondering, considering, wishing, they could write then Susan’s classes are an ideal way to just get on and do it! Susan’s advice and personal comments on your work are always beneficial and a great way to aid your motivation. The weekly commitment clearly brought improvements to everyone who attended the group which is both warm and relaxed. Claire Gillis Beginners

“The feedback Susan provided helped my short story to win a national competition. I have gained a huge amount of confidence in my writing since completing the course. I would recommend Susan’s courses to anyone wanting to become a better writer. Nice biscuits too.”
Adam Cook

My writing improved out of all recognition because of Susan’s really helpful and stimulating class. It is so much fun and really liberating and encouraging of creativity.

“I have got so much out of the classes and would be happy to recommend them. It is rare to find a teacher who is able to give such measured, fair feedback and to encourage this from others. I suspect others have been put off by overcritical or biased group discussions which can often result when they are not well managed.” Sian Walker

“I was slightly apprehensive about joining Susan’s classes, because I really wanted to find a writing group that tackled the nitty-gritty construction of writing in a friendly, informal atmosphere, and until then I hadn’t found it. I’d been to other writing groups, which I enjoyed, where it was the norm for everyone to present a variety of work every week and to workshop it in class. I wanted to learn more, and soon discovered how Susan’s classes are different. They are well-structured, with clear objectives that take writing skills up several levels. The other writers are friendly and supportive. There are fun, interesting and challenging activities, sparking ideas. Susan is extremely astute, and well-informed about writing and literature. Thanks to her, both my writing and my confidence have improved. I highly recommend any of her courses, or any of her one day workshops.”  Paula Greenless

“I went along to Susan’s class keen to write, but never having managed anything more than sitting in front of an empty page, pen in hand but mind blank.Susan was brilliant at getting ideas to flow, and in the three years I attended her classes, she taught me a lot about “the rules.” Her feedback is kind yet honest, and always constructive. I am now at the final polishing stage of my first novel, and about 10,000 words into my second. This is all Susan’s fault. I am eternally grateful.”  Rebecca Davenport.

“She wanted to write. Of course, she could hold a pen, she had done a touch typing course, she could spell. She could tell you what a gerund was or a split infinitive. But how to hook the reader? At that point she hadn’t yet noticed the body under the desk. Good, good, always bring in a dead body early on. But what is it doing there? Plot, plot – we had a class on that. And who is it? Back story – should I put i back story? Oh God – I’ve forgotten the speech marks. I’m not sure if I am in first person or third. Whose voice is this anyway! Better get down to Susan’s class – she’ll know what to do.” Sue Beardon

“Susan gives honest, constructive criticism with a manner that puts everyone at ease. I have enjoyed every one of her classes that I have attended. Before attending I did pieces of writing and posted them to a tutor waiting for what seemed an age for comments. I prefer going to her classes because everything is instantaneous. I like the atmosphere and listening to other peoples work. It always amazes me how different everyones writing is from one theme or word that Susan will give for a writing exercise.” Jean Smith